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China Shandong Yuncheng Huazhou Wood Co.

Company Profile
Our co***ny is specialized in the production of plywood, we have established and continue to exceed industry standards, not only in quality, product quality, we have a wealth of experience in management personnel and research and development team, in a highly competitive market, we always strive for each customers realize the value.
Quality is the key to the success of international development plywood. Our products come from our employees, our customers' expectations, and the most friendly service, pric...
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Contact Us
Company: China Shandong Yuncheng Huazhou Wood Co.
Contact: Guosheng Wu
Address: Yuncheng luozhuang
Postcode: 274000
Tel: +8613061589788
Fax: +865305533978


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Tel : +8613061589788 Fax : +865305533978
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